Demolition & Contracting

Professional demolition of buildings

Demolition and dismantling of buildings are truly complex and very dangerous works that require high qualification, experience and strict adherence to safety standards. Theconstruction offers comprehensive services for professional dismantling of buildings of any type and purpose. Before starting any dismantling works, our employees carry out a comprehensive assessment of the building with the involvement of experts of various specialities. This allows us to identify all potential risks and complexities such as:
  • Structural analysis to identify weaknesses and critical areas in the structure
  • A survey for hazardous materials (asbestos, lead)
  • Assessment of proximity to other buildings, utilities and infrastructure.
  • Analysing the historical and cultural value of the building
Based on the data obtained, we draw up a detailed, step-by-step dismantling plan that takes into account all safety factors as much as possible.
Demolition & Contracting

Dismantling methods

Depending on the characteristics of the building and the site conditions, we can use different dismantling methods.

  • Manual dismantling – for smaller sites or buildings with historical significance we may use manual dismantling in stages.
  • Hydraulic equipment – the use of hydraulic shears, cutters and other tools to dismantle structures made of steel, concrete and other materials.

Theconstruction team is also committed to utilising Innovative methods and equipment

  • Robotics for dismantling in confined or hazardous areas
  • Hydrodemolition using high velocity water jets
  • Diamond cutting for precision separation of concrete and steel structures.
  • 3D computer modelling to optimise work sequences

We also use the latest auxiliary equipment such as safety screens, dust suppression systems and robotic arms.

Site preparation and clean-up

Once the demolition work is complete, our team thoroughly cleans and prepares the site for subsequent construction or landscaping.
We provide:

  • Sorting and removal of construction debris in accordance with recycling standards
  • Removal of hazardous materials (asbestos, lead) in accordance with special protocols
  • Levelling and levelling of the territory
  • Dismantling of underground structures and foundations, if necessary.

Our company has all the necessary licences and permits to carry out dismantling works of any complexity, which is one of the most important aspects. We guarantee full compliance with safety standards, strict quality control and timely execution of works in accordance with agreed schedules.

Trust our team of professionals and we will ensure flawless dismantling of any building, regardless of its size, construction or location.

Permit & Registration

We provide fast and reliable processing of all necessary documents to ensure that your construction work complies with all regulatory requirements and safety standards.


Insulation services to make your home more energy efficient. This will help you save money on heating costs and improve comfort.

Bricklaying & Blockwork

Experienced bricklayers will ensure your walls are strong and durable. We use the best materials and techniques for construction.

Plastering & Skimming

Professional plastering and puttying services for smooth and even walls. A quality finish is the key to durability and aesthetics.

Driveways & Parking Lots

Quality construction of driveways and parking lots. We will ensure your outdoor spaces are durable and attractive.

Civil & Architectural Engineering

Professional engineering services for complex projects. We offer complete solutions for any construction challenge.